1·They worked together to advance the cause of democracy.
—— 《牛津词典》
2·He says that cause, which had seemed to stall, will now advance.
3·In advance of his arrival, a member of his entourage visited every booth to make sure that nothing might cause offence.
4·As these sites do nothing to advance the cause of the web user looking to find useful information, search engines regard them as junk for end users, and thus as junk links to their linked-to sites.
5·And therein liesthe rub.Companies that are founded with a clear sense of a higherpurpose or cause exist to advance that cause, with time and success,inevitably lose that sense of purpose.
6·You're able to tease apart those items which truly have the ability to advance your cause from the ones that are just stressing you out because they're yelling for your immediate attention.
7·Optimism is an impassioned and beautiful music, constantly inspires you to advance the cause of the road. - Alexandre Dumas.
8·Advance payment bond a bank bond guaranteeing the advance payment made by the employer to the contractor in case of bankruptcy or other cause.
9·A few other methods can cause the reader to advance.
10·What he has done will advance the cause of world.